Wednesday, March 2, 2011

blog post of class presentations

After watching The Lord of The Rings our class did film comparisons to any epic film that we liked and then compared it to LOTR on a power point. Some of the movies that were chosen I had not seen so I was left confused when the power points were being presented.
    Raquel was the first to go and she did 300. It was a good thing that I had seen 300 before and knew what she was talking about when she was comparing the two movies. I liked how she compared Frodo and King Leonidas’s courage by showing that they both have to over come their fears. Frodo has to over come the fear of the rings power taking over him and King Leonidas gets over the fear of taking on 120,000 Persians against his 300 Spartans. This was a good comparison cause it shows what the two main characters have to go up against and how strong they need to be to over come the challenge.follow this video link
    Vincent went second and he chose to do Braveheart. I have not yet seen this movie so I was very much confused during the presentation. The movie sounded very interesting and intense and I liked the parallels of King Théoden rallying his troops to fight Sauron’s armies and William rallying his troops to fight against the English. This is a good parallel cause it shows both characters preparing for battle. Another good message from both movies is that they are both fighting for freedom and fighting for what you believe in.follow this link
    Reece came next and he chose the matrix, another movie that I have not seen. Reece did really good with his comparisons and he made it somewhat interesting to where I now want to watch the movie to understand it more and what really happens to Leo. Reece showed a lot of courage and valor between the characters. In the Matrix humans fight the machines, Trinity fights for Neo, and Neo goes to the machine world. In LOTR the humans fight the Orcs, the Fellowship protects Frodo, and Frodo travels to Mordor. These comparisons of courage and valor are very good because it shows you who the humans fight and who the main characters fight for and where they are traveling to in the end.follow this link
    Dalton was last and he chose Saving Private Ryan, which is an extremely great movie. This movie is a little foggy to me because it has been so long since I have seen it but yet I still remember most of it. It was kind of funny to compare the supernatural forces for LOTR and SPR mostly because in LOTR all the forces are magical and have some sort of power behind it like the ring, sword and Gandalf’s walking stick are all used when it is slipped on a finger or struck on the ground and in SPR they use man made forces like airplanes, tanks and guns that shoot and destruct with big explosions. This shows their strengths against the enemy and the upper strength that they may have towards them.follow this link

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