Friday, September 17, 2010

First Bog about Novel

Well I am half way through my book and so far I have become very interested in what is going to happen in the rest of the story. My character Amanda has returned home to her home town and decides to visit her sister. Though Amanda was always annoyed with her sister Mathilda as they were younger, she still goes to there old house where they grew up on the island as kids. Mathilda still lives in that house with her daughter Ruth and her husband Carl. Carl is in the Army so he is not able to come home til they allow him, especially since he is over seas. Once Amanda has been home for awhile a very tragic accident occurs Amanda has realized that Mathilda has not come home for several hours. With the weather outside very cold and snow on the ground, Amanda starts to worry. Amanda had gone in to report Mathilda as a missing person when her body had been found trapped in the ice of the Nagawaukee lake. This part of the book was tragic with all the detail that the author has put into this story and how much she goes back to their childhood to explain more about their adult lives.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Did You Know 1&2

Watching the "Did You Know" clip always throws more information out at me that I may have missed the first time. We watched it again as a class and just finished our Round Table discussion. One of the things that really popped out at me that caught my eye was that the first commercial text was in December of 1992. That is a little less than a year before I was even born and now in 2010 that is all people really ever do now is text. You hardly ever see people talking on the phone or in person anymore. It is either through email or sending a text every minute or two. When it comes down to talking to your friend or family member, it gets awkward and you don't know how to react to what ever that person said to you because of how your response was when you had received the text message. Making a phone call is almost overrated, texting is how we communicate these days.