Monday, December 20, 2010

"The Rord of the Rings"

            In Media Communications, we just finished watching The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship and The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. The director of the movie is Peter Jackson. The main characters for The Fellowship are Gandalf the Grey, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimili, and Borromir. Sam is a favorite character because he shows a lot of bravery and courage for Frodo. Three main Epic elements include the Elves with supernatural things, the hobbits and the dwarfs. Movies that relate to The Lord Of The Rings that are Epic would be Titanic and 300. 300 was a good epic movie because the soldiers go out to fight against the evil emperor and try to take control over there land. Learning about important filming elements and epics is important because we might be interested in filming and learn more things about how to create a film for later use. The setting is very vast. It includes the Shire, Rivendale, Isengard, and Lothlorien.
         The First Epic characteristic describes heroism in the hobbits. The hobbits live in the shire and they have houses made inside the hills of the shire. Hobbits are very friendly and happy. Four characters that live in the shire are Frodo the main character, Sam who is Frodo’s best friend and protector, and Merry and Pippin who are followers that have just come along for the journey. The fellowship of the ring is a group of and elf, two men, a wizard, three hobbits and a dwarf. Once Frodo has the ring in his possession Gandalf the Grey makes Frodo leave the shire to escape from the dark riders. Sam happens to follow along and then they run into Merry and Pippin. Once the Hobbits reach a small town where they find Aragorn they go to Rivendale where the elves are. When they reach Rivendale, Frodo’s protectors are chosen and they become The Fellowship. In the second film of The Two Towers Gimili, Legolas, and Aragorn are tracking the orcs to get Merry and Pippin back and save them from death. While tracking the two hobbits they find out that the two hobbits have entered the forest of the Ents.
         The second Epic Characteristic is supernatural. Supernatural involves the elves and the magic that they have. For example Frodo is given a sword that glows when orcs are near, he also gets Elvin armor that never breaks. Another example of supernatural is in “The Two Towers”. Aragorn talks to Arwen in his dreams and he tell her that he won’t live much longer because he has lived with the elves for so long that his aging has slowed down. Aragorn is really 87 years old but he doesn’t look like it at all.
         The third and final epic characteristic to talk about is the guides. The guides that help Frodo on his journey to destroy the ring help support and protect Frodo. The guides are Sam, Aragorn, Merry and Pippin, Gimili, Legolas, Borromir, and Gandalf the grey. They are called “The Fellowship of the Ring” because they are the guides and protectors for Frodo. A good example that shows the guides protecting Frodo is when they are crossing through the Mines or Morhia fighting off the gremlin looking creatures that try to kill them and the giant troll that almost killed Frodo. Gandalf showed a lot of bravery and courage when he fought against the Balrog to protect Frodo. The fellowship also protects Frodo when they are attacked by the first group of Orcs that were sent out by Sauron. Borromir fails Frodo when he tries to take the ring from him and he dies in battle against the Orcs with honor that he had got as far as he did. In “The Two Towers” Sam continues to be by Frodo’s side and protect him when they run into Gollum. Sam tries to do everything he can to help Frodo and he becomes more than a best friend to Frodo. He becomes his master and he devotes his life to Frodo.
         The trilogy is of three fantasy adventure films from the book that J. R. R. Tolkein wrote. They are the fellowship of the ring, the two towers and the return of the king. J. R. R. Tolkein wrote “The Lord of the Rings” from his earlier book “The Hobbit”. I think these themes still apply in the world today with the people in your life like your family and friends that actually care about you and would put their lives in danger for you.